Little Badger 22 survival rifle...
I noticed that there is not a lot of detailed photos or information on this little rifle yet... I haven't had mine long enough to do a true review but I figured I would share my initial impressions of the little guy.
A few bullet points/ thoughts...
Decent fit and finish... Not Colt or Kimber but perfectly serviceable for what it is. On par with say a Rossi matched pair.
Solid simple construction... About as basic/ utilitarian as you can get, which IMO is perfect for this type of rifle.
Sights seem solid, but are plastic construction.
Very simple total dis-assembly and re-assembly if you are competent with firearm mechanics.
Seems to be very accurate with the "iron" sights.
Very compact.
Believe it or not very good ergonomics... It handles very well for what it is and is pretty comfortable to shoot!
Spec weight seems pretty heavy but it does not handle as such.
Primary extraction, shell does not eject on its own.
Spare round holder does not hold rounds very well without a little modifications, fortunately a ranger band or chunk of bicycle inner tube fixes that.
Now for the pictures...
Four rifles total... for comparison purposes. All of them in condition "carry."
Out of their nylon cases...
Ready to go...
Lets throw all the parts in a pile and put them back away...
Putting them all back to condition "carry."
Nice little case that badger comes with...
Another for size comparisons purposes...
Several close up pictures...
Now for the fun stuff... Lets take it apart. (note all can be done with a Leatherman and bit set.)
You might be able to use a removable style pin, but I wouldn't... The bolt that holds the folding part of the action also assists in sandwiching the receiver together... I would say that's something important to note if you planned on storing it/ toting it in two different parts.
Just took a couple of the rails off so people could see whats under it, in case one would want to remove them, then wrap it in say paracord?
All cleaned up, time to put it back together.
All back together...
All specs can be found at the manufactures website:
Any questions or specific picture requests? Post up and let me know!
Hope this info helps other prospective Little Badger buyers. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but now I know, and I really like it. I also recommend this 22LR if you like niche type survival rifles.
If my LGS ever gets any in stock I will probably get a couple more... Buy em cheap and stack em deep? Two is one, one is none.